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A Movement Without Marches

African American Women and the Politics of Poverty in Postwar Philadelphia

Lisa Levenstein

Publisher: University of North Carolina Press
Imprint: The University of North Carolina Press
Published: 04/2009
Pages: 320
Subject: Social Science | University of North Carolina
Print ISBN: 9.78E+12
eBook ISBN: 9780807889985


Lisa Levenstein reframes highly charged debates over the origins of chronic African American poverty and the social policies and political struggles that led to the postwar urban crisis. A Movement Without Marches follows poor black women as they traveled from some of Philadelphia's most impoverished neighborhoods into its welfare offices, courtrooms, public housing, schools, and hospitals, laying claim to an unprecedented array of government benefits and services. With these resources came new constraints, as public officials frequently responded to women's efforts by limiting benefits and attempting to control their personal lives. Scathing public narratives about women's "dependency" and their children's "illegitimacy" placed African American women and public institutions at the center of the growing opposition to black migration and civil rights in northern U.S. cities. Countering stereotypes that have long plagued public debate, Levenstein offers a new paradigm for understanding postwar U.S. history.