Nicomachean Ethics
Terence Irwin
Publisher: Hackett Publishing
Imprint: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc.
Published: 10/2019
Pages: 480
Subject: Philosophy
Paperback ISBN: 9781624668159
eBook ISBN: 9781624668500
Terence Irwin's edition of the Nicomachean Ethics offers more aids to the reader than are found in any modern English translation. It includes an Introduction, headings to help the reader follow the argument, explanatory notes on difficult or important passages, and a full glossary explaining Aristotle's technical terms. The Third Edition offers additional revisions of the translation as well as revised and expanded versions of the notes, glossary, and Introduction. Also new is an appendix featuring translated selections from related texts of Aristotle.
Terence Irwin is Emeritus Professor of Ancient Philosophy, University of Oxford.
"This refreshingly contemporary translation of Bywater's text . . . is admirably successful in its stated aim of being 'clear and explicit enough to show how Aristotle's argument proceeds, in general and in detail, and at the same time literal enough to show what grounds the text offers for different lines of interpretation'. It uses current English idiom and style with skill throughout, incorporating smoothly the more traditional renderings of technical terms, and will serve a timely and important purpose in making Aristotle's Ethics attractive and enlightening to new readers."
—Joseph Owens, University of Toronto
"The translation is highly readable. . . . It is also remarkably accurate and faithful to the Greek. . . . The Glossary, both Greek-English and English-Greek . . . offers, in addition to bare equivalences, a series of short essays on all the key terms in the Ethics . . . which are clear, well-reasoned, scrupulously fair, and packed with references to the text. . . . Every student who wishes to read the Ethics in English should go for Irwin’s translation—indeed, they could hardly hope for anything better."
—Jonathan Barnes, University of Oxford