Gaming the Stage
Playable Media and the Rise of English Commercial Theater
Gina Bloom
Publisher: University of Michigan Press
Imprint: University of Michigan Press
Published: 01/2018
Pages: 304
Subject: Performing Arts - Theater/History & Criticism, Literary Criticism - Renaissance
Print ISBN: 9780472053810
eBook ISBN: 9780472901081
Gaming the Stage also introduces a new archive for game studies: scenes of onstage gaming, which appear at climactic moments in dramatic literature. Bloom reveals plays to be systems of information for theater spectators: games of withholding, divulging, speculating, and wagering on knowledge. Her book breaks new ground through examinations of plays such as The Tempest, Arden of Faversham, A Woman Killed with Kindness, and A Game at Chess; the histories of familiar games such as cards, backgammon, and chess; less familiar ones, like Game of the Goose; and even a mixed-reality theater videogame.
—W. B. Worthen, Barnard College, Columbia University