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Secrets of the Zen Business Warrior

7 Steps to Grow Your Business, Feel Excited, and Stay Motivated, AGAIN

Lina Betancur

About Our eBooks

Publisher: Morgan James Publishing
Imprint: Morgan James Publishing
Published: 09/2019
Subject: Business and Economics
Print ISBN: 9781642794564
eBook ISBN: 9781642794571


Secrets of the Zen Business Warrior stirs, inspires, and gives readers the knowledge and tools to take immediate deliberate control of how they are creating their life.

Many businesspeople believe that making their business grow to the levels of wealth they desire depends on titanic work, considerable financial funding, special skills, and knowledge. Too often, struggling entrepreneurs sacrifice the quality of their personal life as a result. Business owner and entrepreneur Lina Betancur believes that the most powerful way for people to grow their business to the next level is to first grow themselves to the next level. In Secrets of the Zen Business Warrior, Lina shares how entrepreneurs can find the permanent clarity, fulfilment, passion, and motivation they need to maintain their business.