Semi Queer
Inside the World of Gay, Trans, and Black Truck Drivers
Anne Balay
Publisher: University of North Carolina Press
Imprint: The University of North Carolina Press
Published: 08/2018
Pages: 232
Subject: Social Science
| University of North Carolina
Print ISBN: 9.78147E+12
eBook ISBN: 9781469647104
Long-haul trucking is linked to almost every industry in America,
yet somehow the working-class drivers behind big rigs remain
largely hidden from public view. Gritty, inspiring, and often
devastating oral histories of gay, transsexual, and minority truck
drivers allow award-winning author Anne Balay to shed new light on
the harsh realities of truckers' lives behind the wheel. A licensed
commercial truck driver herself, Balay discovers that, for people
routinely subjected to prejudice, hatred, and violence in their
hometowns and in the job market, trucking can provide an
opportunity for safety, welcome isolation, and a chance to be
themselves--even as the low-wage work is fraught with tightening
regulations, constant surveillance, danger, and exploitation. The
narratives of minority and queer truckers underscore the
working-class struggle to earn a living while preserving one's
safety, dignity, and selfhood.
Through the voices of drivers from marginalized communities who
spend eleven- to fourteen-hour days hauling America's commodities
in treacherous weather and across mountain passes, Semi
Queer reveals the stark differences between the trucking
industry's crushing labor practices and the perseverance of its
most at-risk workers.