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The Aeneid

Len Krisak

Publisher: Hackett Publishing
Imprint: Focus
Published: 09/2020
Pages: 424
Subject: Poetry
eBook ISBN: 9781585109791


Rising to the challenge of rendering the poem's Latin hexameters by adopting English iambic ones, Len Krisak's Aeneid doubles down on the English poetic tradition by also featuring rhyme. In Krisak's hands, these devices provide not only a superb kind of music but the snap and power of an epic adventure that glories in what only formal poetry can do. Enhanced by an Introduction and an extensive set of notes by Christopher M. McDonough, this Aeneid works as story, voice, and verse.


Len Krisak has translated Horace's Odes (2006), Virgil's Eclogues (2010) Ovid's Erotic Poems (2014), and Prudentius' Crown of Martyrs (2019). Among other honors, he is the recipient of the Robert Penn Warren Prize, the Richard Wilbur Award, and the Robert Frost Prize.Christopher M. McDonough is Alderson-Tillinghast Chair in the Humanities, Sewanee: The University of the South.