The Age of Youth in Argentina
Culture, Politics, and Sexuality from Per
Valeria Manzano
Publisher: University of North Carolina Press
Imprint: The University of North Carolina Press
Published: 04/2014
Pages: 354
Subject: History, Political Science, Social Science
| University of North Carolina
Print ISBN: 9.78E+12
eBook ISBN: 9781469611631
Focusing also on the views of adults who assessed, and sometimes profited from, youth culture, Manzano analyzes countercultural formations--including rock music, sexuality, student life, and communal living experiences--and situates them in an international context. She details how, while Argentines of all ages yearned for newness and change, it was young people who championed the transformation of deep-seated traditions of social, cultural, and political life. The significance of youth was not lost on the leaders of the rising junta: people aged sixteen to thirty accounted for 70 percent of the estimated 20,000 Argentines who were "disappeared" during the regime.