The Elusive Republic
Political Economy in Jeffersonian America
Drew R. McCoy
Publisher: Omohundro Institute
Imprint: OIEAHC
Published: 09/1980
Reprint: 1996
Pages: 278
Subject: Colonial, Revolutionary Era & Early American History
Paperback ISBN: 9780807846162
eBook ISBN: 9780807838327
By investigating eighteenth-century social and economic thought--an intellectual world with its own vocabulary, concepts, and assumptions--Drew McCoy smoothly integrates the history of ideas and the history of public policy in the Jeffersonian era. The book was originally published by UNC Press in 1980.
Drew R. McCoy, Jacob and Frances Hiatt Professor of History at Clark University, is author of The Last of the Fathers: James Madison and the Republican Legacy.
"McCoy has both enlarged our understanding of early American history and given us a perspective from which to see the deficiencies of the republic today."
--Virginia Quarterly Review
"This superbly crafted book is both a literary treat and necessary reading for anyone who wants to understand America's Revolutionary era. . . . Filled with insights that a summary cannot begin to mention and argued with uncommon force, economy, and grace, this volume adds a new dimension to the evolving reinterpretation of the revolutionary vision of the 1770s."
--Journal of American History
"An imaginative and well-written book that will be necessary reading for all American historians concerned with the post-Revolutionary period."
--Journal of Economic History
"McCoy's study of the contradictions and ambivalence of republican economic thought makes an important contribution to our understanding the Revolutionary era. But its significance is much wider, for The Elusive Republic offers insights into the complex relationships between ideology and social change, between tradition and modernity."
--Virginia Magazine of History and Biography