The idea of a culture war, or wars, has existed in America since
the 1960s—an underlying ideological schism in our country that is
responsible for the polarizing debates on everything from the
separation of church and state, to abortion, to gay marriage, to
affirmative action. Irene Taviss Thomson explores this notion by
analyzing hundreds of articles addressing hot-button issues over
two decades from four magazines: National Review, Time, The New
Republic, and The Nation, as well as a wide array of other writings
and statements from a substantial number of public
What Thomson finds might surprise you: based on her research, there
is no single cultural divide or cultural source that can account
for the positions that have been adopted. While issues such as
religion, homosexuality, sexual conduct, and abortion have figured
prominently in public discussion, in fact there is no single thread
that unifies responses to each of these cultural dilemmas for any
of the writers.