American Night, the final volume of an unprecedented
trilogy, brings Alan Wald's multigenerational history of Communist
writers to a poignant climax. Using new research to explore the
intimate lives of novelists, poets, and critics during the Cold
War, Wald reveals a radical community longing for the rebirth of
the social vision of the 1930s and struggling with a loss of moral
certainty as the Communist worldview was being called into
question. The resulting literature, Wald shows, is a haunting
record of fracture and struggle linked by common structures of
feeling, ones more suggestive of the "negative dialectics" of
Theodor Adorno than the traditional social realism of the Left.
Establishing new points of contact among Kenneth Fearing, Ann
Petry, Alexander Saxton, Richard Wright, Jo Sinclair, Thomas
McGrath, and Carlos Bulosan, Wald argues that these writers were in
dialogue with psychoanalysis, existentialism, and postwar
modernism, often generating moods of piercing emotional acuity and
cosmic dissent. He also recounts the contributions of lesser known
cultural workers, with a unique accent on gays and lesbians,
secular Jews, and people of color. The vexing ambiguities of an era
Wald labels "late antifascism" serve to frame an impressive
collective biography.