Illuminating a hidden and fascinating chapter in the history of
globalization, Paul Gootenberg chronicles the rise of one of the
most spectacular and now illegal Latin American exports:
Gootenberg traces cocaine's history from its origins as a medical
commodity in the nineteenth century to its repression during the
early twentieth century and its dramatic reemergence as an illicit
good after World War II. Connecting the story of the drug's
transformations is a host of people, products, and processes:
Sigmund Freud, Coca-Cola, and Pablo Escobar all make appearances,
exemplifying the global influences that have shaped the history of
cocaine. But Gootenberg decenters the familiar story to uncover the
roles played by hitherto obscure but vital Andean actors as
well--for example, the Peruvian pharmacist who developed the
techniques for refining cocaine on an industrial scale and the
creators of the original drug-smuggling networks that decades later
would be taken over by Colombian traffickers.
Andean Cocaine proves indispensable to understanding one of
the most vexing social dilemmas of the late twentieth-century
Americas: the American cocaine epidemic of the 1980s and, in its
wake, the seemingly endless U.S. drug war in the Andes.