Choosing the Jesus Way uncovers the history and religious
experiences of the first American Indian converts to
Pentecostalism. Focusing on the Assemblies of God denomination, the
story begins in 1918, when white missionaries fanned out from the
South and Midwest to convert Native Americans in the West and other
parts of the country. Drawing on new approaches to the global
history of Pentecostalism, Angela Tarango shows how converted
indigenous leaders eventually transformed a standard Pentecostal
theology of missions in ways that reflected their own religious
struggles and advanced their sovereignty within the
Key to the story is the Pentecostal "indigenous principle," which
encourages missionaries to train local leadership in hopes of
creating an indigenous church rooted in the culture of the
missionized. In Tarango's analysis, the indigenous principle itself
was appropriated by the first generation of Native American
Pentecostals, who transformed it to critique aspects of the
missionary project and to argue for greater religious autonomy.
More broadly, Tarango scrutinizes simplistic views of religious
imperialism and demonstrates how religious forms and practices are
often mutually influenced in the American experience.