The armed forces may no longer rule nations throughout Latin
America, but they continue to influence democratic governments
across the region. In nine original, thought-provoking essays, this
book offers fresh theoretical insights into the dilemmas facing
Latin American politicians as they struggle to gain full control
over their military institutions.
Latin America has changed in profound ways since the end of the
Cold War, the re-emergence of democracy, and the ascendancy of
free-market economies and trade blocs. The contributors to this
volume recognize the necessity of finding intellectual approaches
that speak to these transformations. They utilize a wide range of
contemporary models to analyze recent political and economic reform
in nations throughout Latin America, presenting case studies on
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, and
Venezuela. Bridging the gap between Latin American studies and
political science, these essays not only explore the forces that
shape civil-military relations in Latin America but also address
larger questions of political development and democratization in
the region.
The contributors are Felipe Aguero, J. Samuel Fitch, Wendy Hunter,
Ernesto Lopez, Brian Loveman, David R. Mares, Deborah L. Norden,
David Pion-Berlin, and Harold A. Trinkunas.
Latin American Studies/Political Science