Between the Great War and Pearl Harbor, conservative labor leaders
declared themselves America's "first line of defense" against
Communism. In this surprising account, Jennifer Luff shows how the
American Federation of Labor fanned popular anticommunism but
defended Communists' civil liberties in the aftermath of the 1919
Red Scare. The AFL's "commonsense anticommunism," she argues,
steered a middle course between the American Legion and the ACLU,
helping to check campaigns for federal sedition laws. But in the
1930s, frustration with the New Deal
order led labor conservatives to redbait the Roosevelt
administration and liberal unionists and abandon their reluctant
civil libertarianism for red scare politics. That frustration
contributed to the legal architecture of federal anticommunism that
culminated with the McCarthyist fervor of the 1950s.
Relying on untapped archival sources, Luff reveals how labor
conservatives and the emerging civil liberties movement debated the
proper role of the state in policing radicals and grappled with the
challenges to the existing political order posed by Communist
organizers. Surprising conclusions about familiar figures, like J.
Edgar Hoover, and unfamiliar episodes, like a German plot to
disrupt American munitions manufacture, make Luff's story a fresh
retelling of the interwar years.