Americans responded to the deadly terrorist attacks on September
11, 2001, with an outpouring of patriotism, though all were not
united in their expression. A war-based patriotism inspired
millions of Americans to wave the flag and support a brutal War on
Terror in Afghanistan and Iraq, while many other Americans demanded
an empathic patriotism that would bear witness to the death and
suffering surrounding the attack. Twenty years later, the war still
simmers, and both forms of patriotism continue to shape historical
understandings of 9/11's legacy and the political life of the
John Bodnar's compelling history shifts the focus on America's War
on Terror from the battlefield to the arena of political and
cultural conflict, revealing how fierce debates over the war are
inseparable from debates about the meaning of patriotism itself.
Bodnar probes how honor, brutality, trauma, and suffering have
become highly contested in commemorations, congressional
correspondence, films, soldier memoirs, and works of art. He
concludes that Americans continue to be deeply divided over the War
on Terror and how to define the terms of their allegiance--a
fissure that has deepened as American politics has become
dangerously polarized over the first two decades of this new