In 1768, John Witherspoon, Presbyterian leader of the evangelical
Popular party faction in the Scottish Kirk, became the College of
New Jersey's sixth president. At Princeton, he mentored
constitutional architect James Madison; as a New Jersey delegate to
the Continental Congress, he was the only clergyman to sign the
Declaration of Independence. Although Witherspoon is often thought
to be the chief conduit of moral sense philosophy in America,
Mailer's comprehensive analysis of this founding father's writings
demonstrates the resilience of his evangelical beliefs.
Witherspoon's Presbyterian evangelicalism competed with, combined
with, and even superseded the civic influence of Scottish
Enlightenment thought in the British Atlantic world.
John Witherspoon's American Revolution examines
the connection between patriot discourse and long-standing
debates--already central to the 1707 Act of Union--about the
relationship among piety, moral philosophy, and political unionism.
In Witherspoon's mind, Americans became different from other
British subjects because more of them had been awakened to the sin
they shared with all people. Paradoxically, acute consciousness of
their moral depravity legitimized their move to independence by
making it a concerted moral action urged by the Holy Spirit.
Mailer's exploration of Witherspoon's thought and influence
suggests that, for the founders in his circle, civic virtue rested
on personal religious awakening.