Many Excellent People examines the nature of North
Carolina's social system, particularly race and class relations,
power, and inequality, during the last half of the nineteenth
century. Paul Escott portrays North Carolina's major social groups,
focusing on the elite, the ordinary white farmers or workers, and
the blacks, and analyzes their attitudes, social structure, and
power relationships. Quoting frequently from a remarkable array of
letters, journals, diaries, and other primary sources, he shows
vividly the impact of the Civil War, Emancipation, Reconstruction,
Populism, and the rise of the New South industrialism on southern
Working within the new social history and using detailed analyses
of five representative counties, wartime violence, Ku Klux Klan
membership, stock-law legislation, and textile mill records, Escott
reaches telling conclusions on the interplay of race, class, and
politics. Despite fundamental political and economic reforms,
Escott argues, North Carolina's social system remained as
hierarchical and undemocratic in 1900 as it had been in 1850.