The problem of homelessness in America underpins the definition
of an American city: what it is, who it is for, what it does, and
why it matters. And the problem of the American city is epitomized
in public space. Mean Streets offers, in a single, sustained
argument, a theory of the social and economic logic behind the
historical development, evolution, and especially the persistence
of homelessness in the contemporary American city. By updating and
revisiting thirty years of research and thinking on this subject,
Don Mitchell explores the conditions that produce and sustain
homelessness and how its persistence relates to the way capital
works in the urban built environment. He also addresses the
historical and social origins that created the boundary between
public and private. Consequently, he unpacks the structure,
meaning, and governance of urban public space and its uses.
Mitchell traces his argument through two sections: a broadly
historical overview of how homelessness has been managed in public
spaces, followed by an exploration of recent Supreme Court
jurisprudence that expands our national discussion. Beyond the mere
regulation of the homeless and the poor, homelessness has
metastasized more recently, Mitchell argues, to become a general
issue that affects all urbanites.