Cities were the core of a changing economy and culture that
penetrated the rural hinterland and remade the South in the decades
following the Civil War. In
New Men, New Cities, New South,
Don Doyle argues that if the plantation was the world the
slaveholders made, the urban centers of the New South formed the
world made by merchants, manufacturers, and financiers. The book's
title evokes the exuberant rhetoric of New South boosterism, which
continually extolled the "new men" who dominated the city-building
process, but Doyle also explores the key role of women in defining
the urban upper class.
Doyle uses four cities as case studies to represent the diversity
of the region and to illuminate the responses businessmen made to
the challenges and opportunities of the postbellum South. Two
interior railroad centers, Atlanta and Nashville, displayed the
most vibrant commercial and industrial energy of the region, and
both cities fostered a dynamic class of entrepreneurs. These
business leaders' collective efforts to develop their cities and to
establish formal associations that served their common interests
forged them into a coherent and durable urban upper class by the
late nineteenth century. The rising business class also helped
establish a new pattern of race relations shaped by a commitment to
economic progress through the development of the South's human
resources, including the black labor force. But the "new men" of
the cities then used legal segregation to control competition
between the races.
Charleston and Mobile, old seaports that had served the antebellum
plantation economy with great success, stagnated when their status
as trade centers declined after the war. Although individual
entrepreneurs thrived in both cities, their efforts at community
enterprise were unsuccessful, and in many instances they remained
outside the social elite. As a result, conservative ways became
more firmly entrenched, including a system of race relations based
on the antebellum combination of paternalism and neglect rather
than segregation. Talent, energy, and investment capital tended to
drain away to more vital cities.
In many respects, as Doyle shows, the business class of the New
South failed in its quest for economic development and social
reform. Nevertheless, its legacy of railroads, factories, urban
growth, and changes in the character of race relations shaped the
world most southerners live in today.