Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) is rapidly becoming recognized
as the greatest American philosopher. At the center of his
philosophy was a revolutionary model of the way human beings think.
Peirce, a logician, challenged traditional models by describing
thoughts not as "ideas" but as "signs," external to the self and
without meaning unless interpreted by a subsequent thought. His
general theory of signs -- or semiotic -- is especially pertinent
to methodologies currently being debated in many disciplines.
This anthology, the first one-volume work devoted to Peirce's
writings on semiotic, provides a much-needed, basic introduction to
a complex aspect of his work. James Hoopes has selected the most
authoritative texts and supplemented them with informative
headnotes. His introduction explains the place of Peirce's semiotic
in the history of philosophy and compares Peirce's theory of signs
to theories developed in literature and linguistics.