To many observers, Anastasio Somoza, who ruled Nicaragua from 1936
until his assassination in 1956, personified the worst features of
a dictator. While not dismissing these characteristics, Knut Walter
argues that the regime was in fact more notable for its achievement
of stability, economic growth, and state building than for its
personalistic and dictatorial features. Using a wide range of
sources in Nicaraguan archives, Walter focuses on institutional and
structural developments to explain how Somoza gained and
consolidated power. According to Walter, Somoza preferred to
resolve conflicts by political means rather than by outright
coercion. Specifically, he built his government on agreements
negotiated with the country's principal political actors, labor
groups, and business organizations. Nicaragua's two traditional
parties, one conservative and the other liberal, were included in
elections, thus giving the appearance of political pluralism.
Partly as a result, the opposition was forced to become
increasingly radical, says Walter; eventually, in 1979, Nicaragua
produced the only successful revolution in Central America and the
first in all of Latin America since Cuba's.