The Road to Mobocracy is the first major study of public
disorder in New York City from the Revolutionary period through the
Jacksonian era. During that time, the mob lost its traditional,
institutional role as corporate safety valve and social corrective,
tolerated by public officials. It became autonomous, a violent
menace to individual and public good expressing the discordant
urges and fears of a pluralistic society. Indeed, it tested the
premises of democratic government.
Paul Gilje relates the practices of New York mobs to their American
and European roots and uses both historical and anthropological
methods to show how those mobs adapted to local conditions. He
questions many of the traditional assumptions about the nature of
the mob and scrutinizes explanations of its transformation: among
them, the loss of a single-interest society, industrialization and
changes in the workforce, increased immigration, and the rise of
sub-classes in American society. Gilje's findings can be extended
to other cities.
The lucid narrative incorporates meticulous and exhaustive archival
research that unearths hundreds of New York City disturbances --
about the Revolution, bawdy-houses, theaters, dogs and hogs,
politics, elections, ethnic conflict, labor actions, religion.
Illustrations recreate the turbulent atmosphere of the city; maps,
graphs, and tables define the spacial and statistical dimensions of
its ferment. The book is a major contribution to our understanding
of social change in the early Republic as well as to the history of
early New York, urban studies, and rioting.