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Meaning Over Memory

Recasting the Teaching of Culture and History

Peter N. Stearns

Publisher: University of North Carolina Press
Imprint: The University of North Carolina Press
Published: 08/2016
Pages: 270
Subject: Education | University of North Carolina
Print ISBN: 9.78E+12
eBook ISBN: 9781469619637


In the midst of the heated battles swirling around American humanities education, Peter Stearns offers a reconsideration not of what we teach but of why and how we teach it. A humanities program, says Stearns, should teach students not just memorized facts but analytical skills that are vital for a critically informed citizenry. He urges the use of innovative research as the basis of such a curriculum, and he offers specific suggestions on translating curriculum goals into courses that can be taught alongside or instead of the more conventional staples.