Mirage of Police Reform
Procedural Justice and Police Legitimacy
Robert E. Worden
Publisher: University of California Press
Imprint: University of California Press
Published: 05/2017
Pages: 224
Print ISBN: 9780520292413
eBook ISBN: 9780520965966
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In the United States, the exercise of police authority—and
the public’s trust that police authority is used
properly—is a recurring concern. Contemporary prescriptions
for police reform hold that the public would better trust the
police and feel a greater obligation to comply and cooperate if
police-citizen interactions were marked by higher levels of
procedural justice by police.
In this book, Robert E. Worden and Sarah J. McLean argue that the
procedural justice model of reform is a mirage. From a distance,
procedural justice seemingly offers a relief from strained
police-community relations. But a closer look at police
organizations and police-citizen interactions shows that the relief
offered by such reform is, in fact, illusory.