In 1948, journalist Ray Sprigle traded his whiteness to live as a
black man for four weeks. A little over a decade later, John Howard
Griffin famously "became" black as well, traveling the American
South in search of a certain kind of racial understanding.
Contemporary history is littered with the surprisingly complex
stories of white people passing as black, and here Alisha Gaines
constructs a unique genealogy of "empathetic racial
impersonation--white liberals walking in the fantasy of black skin
under the alibi of cross-racial empathy. At the end of their
experiments in "blackness," Gaines argues, these debatably
well-meaning white impersonators arrived at little more than false
Complicating the histories of black-to-white passing and blackface
minstrelsy, Gaines uses an interdisciplinary approach rooted in
literary studies, race theory, and cultural studies to reveal these
sometimes maddening, and often absurd, experiments of racial
impersonation. By examining this history of modern racial
impersonation, Gaines shows that there was, and still is, a faulty
cultural logic that places enormous faith in the idea that empathy
is all that white Americans need to make a significant difference
in how to racially navigate our society.