Black for a Day
White Fantasies of Race and Empathy
Alisha Gaines
Publisher: University of North Carolina Press
Imprint: The University of North Carolina Press
Published: 03/2017
Pages: 230
Subject: Social Science, Literary Collections
| University of North Carolina
Print ISBN: 9780000000000
eBook ISBN: 9781469632858
Complicating the histories of black-to-white passing and blackface minstrelsy, Gaines uses an interdisciplinary approach rooted in literary studies, race theory, and cultural studies to reveal these sometimes maddening, and often absurd, experiments of racial impersonation. By examining this history of modern racial impersonation, Gaines shows that there was, and still is, a faulty cultural logic that places enormous faith in the idea that empathy is all that white Americans need to make a significant difference in how to racially navigate our society.