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A Field Guide to Gettysburg, Second Edition Expanded Ebook

Experiencing the Battlefield through Its History, Places, and People

Carol Reardon

Publisher: University of North Carolina Press
Imprint: The University of North Carolina Press
Published: 03/2017
Pages: 448
Subject: History, Travel | University of North Carolina
eBook ISBN: 9781469633350


This special enhanced ebook edition to the newly updated A Field Guide to Gettysburg will lead visitors to every important site across the battlefield and also give them ways to envision the action and empathize with the soldiers involved and the local people into whose lives and lands the battle intruded.. Both Carol Reardon and Tom Vossler are themselves experienced guides who understand what visitors to Gettysburg are interested in, but they also bring the unique perspectives of a scholar and a former army officer. Divided into three day-long tours, this newly improved and expanded edition offers important historical background and context for the reader while providing answers to six key questions: What happened here? Who fought here? Who commanded here? Who fell here? Who lived here? And what did the participants have to say about it later?

With new stops, maps, soldier vignettes, and illustrations, the enhanced e-book edition of A Field Guide to Gettysburg adds more human stories to an already impressive work that remains the most comprehensive guide to the events and history of this pivotal battle of the Civil War.