Journal of the Civil War Era
Winter 2011 Issue
William A. Blair
Publisher: University of North Carolina Press
Imprint: The University of North Carolina Press
Published: 12/2011
Pages: 176
Subject: History
| University of North Carolina
eBook ISBN: 9780807852620
Table of Contents for this issue:
volume 1, number 4: december 2011
rachel a. shelden
Messmates' Union: Friendship, Politics, and Living Arrangements in the Capital City, 1845–1861
bruce levine
"The Vital Element of the Republican Party": Antislavery, Nativism, and Abraham Lincoln
james l. huston
The Illinois Political Realignment of 1844–1860: Revisiting the Analysis
Review Essay
lyde cullen sizer
Mapping the Spaces of Women's Civil War History
Book Reviews
Books Received
Professional Notes
brian kelly & john w. white
The After Slavery Website: A New Online Resource for Teaching U.S. Slave Emancipation
Notes on Contributors
The Journal of the Civil War Era takes advantage of the flowering of research on the many issues raised by the sectional crisis, war, Reconstruction, and memory of the conflict, while bringing fresh understanding to the struggles that defined the period, and by extension, the course of American history in the nineteenth century.