Home Grown
Marijuana and the Origins of Mexico's War on Drugs
Isaac Campos
Publisher: University of North Carolina Press
Imprint: The University of North Carolina Press
Published: 04/2012
Pages: 344
Subject: History
| University of North Carolina
Print ISBN: 9.78E+12
eBook ISBN: 9780807882689
Home Grown thus traces the deep roots of the antidrug ideology and prohibitionist policies that anchor the drug-war violence that engulfs Mexico today. Campos also counters the standard narrative of modern drug wars, which casts global drug prohibition as a sort of informal American cultural colonization. Instead, he argues, Mexican ideas were the foundation for notions of "reefer madness" in the United States. This book is an indispensable guide for anyone who hopes to understand the deep and complex origins of marijuana's controversial place in North American history.