The Logic of Compromise in Mexico
How the Countryside Was Key to the Emergence of Authoritarianism
Gladys I. McCormick
Publisher: University of North Carolina Press
Imprint: The University of North Carolina Press
Published: 02/2016
Pages: 300
Subject: History
| University of North Carolina
Print ISBN: 9780000000000
eBook ISBN: 9781469627762
McCormick demonstrates how the PRI exploited this support, using key parts of the countryside to test and refine instruments of control--including the regulation of protest, manipulation of collective memories of rural communities, and selective application of violence against critics--that it later employed in other areas, both rural and urban. With three peasant leaders, brothers named Ruben, Porfirio, and Antonio Jaramillo, at the heart of her story, McCormick draws a capacious picture of peasant activism, disillusion, and compromise in state formation, revealing the basis for an enduring political culture dominated by the PRI. On a broader level, McCormick demonstrates the connections among modern state building in Latin America, the consolidation of new forms of authoritarian rule, and the deployment of violence on all sides.