Showcase all of your books, or build custom collections, and sell print, digital, and subscriptions.



Flexpub makes it easy for publishers to showcase all of their books, or any collection of titles, to sell print, digital, and online book subscriptions, all integrated with any website by placing a single link.


With Flexpub shelves, you control the sales options. Add links to traditional resellers such as Amazon, connect your own cart, or utilize our eCommerce options to sell digital, print, and online subscription access to build an instant bookstore.

In addition to beautiful, custom "Master Shelves" that serve as complete content showcases and full bookstores, publishers can create shelves with any sub-group of titles specifically for marketing, publicity, or subscription sales purposes.

Unlike other sampling options, Flexpub doesn't keep analytics to ourselves, allowing you to know what's working. Whether sharing samples via social media or simply using on your own website, you'll know our samples are getting your content more attention and engaging readers for longer.

The Council for Social Work Education uses Flexpub to create Marketing Shelves for short-term sales and special offers.

Hackett Publishing uses Flexpub to create Publicity Shelves to provide advanced review and free full-book access for a limited time.

SUBSCRIPTION SHELF uses Flexpub to create Subscription Shelves to provide paid monthly access to sub-groups of titles.