The World in a Skillet
A Food Lover's Tour of the New American South
Paul Knipple
Publisher: University of North Carolina Press
Imprint: The University of North Carolina Press
Published: 03/2012
Pages: 296
Subject: Cooking, Social Science
| University of North Carolina
Print ISBN: 9.78E+12
eBook ISBN: 9780807869963
Beginning the tour with an appreciation of the South's foundational food traditions--including Native American, Creole, African American, and Cajun--the Knipples tell the fascinating stories of more than forty immigrants who now call the South home. Not only do their stories trace the continuing evolution of southern foodways, they also show how food is central to the immigrant experience. For these skillful, hardworking immigrants, food provides the means for both connecting with the American dream and maintaining cherished ethnic traditions. Try Father Vien's Vietnamese-style pickled mustard greens, Don Felix's pork ribs, Elizabeth Kizito's Ugandan-style plantains in peanut sauce, or Uli Bennevitz's creamy beer soup and taste the world without stepping north of the Mason-Dixon line.