Declarations of Dependence
The Long Reconstruction of Popular Politics in the South, 1861-1908
Gregory Downs
Publisher: University of North Carolina Press
Imprint: The University of North Carolina Press
Published: 02/2011
Pages: 360
Subject: History, Law
| University of North Carolina
Print ISBN: 9.78E+12
eBook ISBN: 9780807877760
Faced with anarchy during the long reconstruction of government authority, people turned fervently to the government for protection and sustenance, pleading in fantastic, intimate ways for attention. This personalistic, or what Downs calls patronal, politics allowed for appeals from subordinate groups like freed blacks and poor whites, and also bound people emotionally to newly expanding postwar states. Downs's argument rewrites the history of the relationship between Americans and their governments, showing the deep roots of dependence, the complex impact of the Civil War upon popular politics, and the powerful role of Progressivism and segregation in submerging a politics of dependence that--in new form--rose again in the New Deal and persists today.